Wednesday 24 October 2012

Useful Pre Wedding Photography Tips For Your Wedding

Weddings are one of those special events in our lives that are filled with so much emotion. There is that feeling of overwhelming joy and love to finally be with your one and only for the rest of your lives. You also have that sense of pride and happiness as you walk down the aisle and prove to the world your undying love for one another. However, you also have to deal with one of the most destructive forces on the face of the earth – anxiety.

For most men, marriage is a good reason to feel anxious for a lot of reasons. First of all, you’re about to take another man’s precious daughter away from him. Second is that you’re about to enter a realm with which you can never go back. And finally, you’re about to transition to a life that requires more devotion to your future family than your close buddies. Fortunately, most men going through this stage in their lives seem to have the ability to cope with the stresses involved much better than their brides could.

For women, marriage is pretty much the epitome of their lives as they transition to single-blessedness towards a married life. Seeing it as a dream come true and given the fact that women are more emotional than men, brides often go through tougher times as compared to their future husbands. All the stress and anxiety may even appear in the form of physical manifestations. Eye bags from long sleepless nights and extra inches around your waist may not look good on your pre wedding photos.

Although makeup could somehow hide some of the symptoms of anxiety (especially in women), here are some pre wedding photography tips to help you look and feel a lot better before your wedding day:

1.       Make sure to get enough rest weeks before your wedding day. In preparation for your pre wedding photos and the big day, getting enough rest will allow you to keep your skin looking radiant and healthy.

2.       Maintain a healthy diet. The most important step to staying beautiful is by eating the right food especially during these tough emotional times. Remember that stress takes its toll on your physical health and the only way you could compensate for it is by sticking to a healthy diet plan.

3.       Exercise! Yes, it’s still important to exercise during these physically, mentally and emotionally demanding times. There are a lot of different exercises (if you know what I mean) that you could do before your wedding to help keep you physically and mentally fit.

4.       Try to practice. Everything, from fitting your pre wedding photo clothes to your poses and your mood, you should try to practice all of these as soon as possible. This way, you get a feel of what you would expect before the actual time comes.

5.       Finally, a survival kit. You may never know when a wardrobe malfunction may happen or when your makeup artist would decide to go on AWOL. Just make sure to have extra pins, tape, sewing materials and accessories prepared.

Check out for all your wedding photo needs. 

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